Chapter 4: The Fall and Reluctant Rise of Democracy

Multiple Choice   Short Answer



Chapter Four Multiple Choice (MS Word)

1. When the largest group in society begins to rule in its own interest, it is known as which of the following?

a. Tyranny of the majority
b. Tyranny of the minority
c. Timpani of the modernity
d. None of the above

2. Which of the following protections from arbitrary authority constitute justice?

a. Constraining authority so it cannot harm citizens
b. Involving citizens in the exercise of authority
c. Both
d. Neither

3. Which form of democracy involves choosing those who govern?

a. Direct democracy
b. Representative democracy
c. Participatory democracy
d. None of the above

4. Which of the following is NOT a manifestation of consent in the liberal revolution?

a. Hypothetical
b. Tacit
c. Impressed
d. Represented

5. Which term describes charismatic orators who play on public fears and prejudices?

a. Demigorgons
b. Demagogues
c. Demitasse
d. Demerits

6. Which of the following constitutes a binding vote on government?

a. Referendums
b. Plebiscites
c. Initiatives
d. Recalls

7. What was liberal theory based on hedonism called?

a. Hedonic Liberalism
b. Individualism
c. Utilitarianism
d. None of the above

8. What is the proper name for the law in England that began the process of ensuring fair elections?

a. The Elections Act
b. The Democracy Act
c. The Voting Act
d. The Reform Act

9. As a system of elite dominance, liberal democracy is characterized by which of the following?

a. Vigorous democratic participation
b. Relative stability
c. Transparency in government
d. All of the above

10. Which of the following theorists can be considered an early feminist?

a. James Mill
b. Rousseau
c. Hobbes
d. J. S. Mill

11. Which of the following describes the idea that the definition of democracy is limited to regular and fair elections?

a. Vote fetishism
b. Electoralism
c. The electoral mirage
d. Electicism

12. Which of the following are characteristic challenges presented by democracy?

a. Systematic exclusion of a group by the majority
b. Systematic domination by a minority
c. The potential to shift from consensus or compromise to a conflict of interests
d. All of the above

13. The view that voting is an obligation rather than a right can lead to which of the following policies?

a. Compulsory voting
b. Registration
c. Party participation
d. None of the above

14. What factors help secure democracy?

a. Economic growth
b. Equalization of wealth and opportunity
c. Liberal institutions and civil society
d. All of the above

15. In 2010, the average population of a US congressional district was 700,000. Which of the following describes this number?

a. Too high
b. Just right
c. Too low
d. None of the above

16. In classical liberal democratic theory, the selection of representatives is which of the following?

a. Irrational
b. Rational
c. Inherent
d. None of the above

17. Which of the following principles are associated with democracy?

a. That the authority of the state derives from the public
b. That the authority of the state rests with the public
c. That sovereignty is popular
d. All of the above

18. In England, the development of democracy involved a challenge to the elite status of which of the following?

a. The middle class
b. The landed gentry
c. The high court
d. All of the above

19. Which of the following countries had full adult suffrage BEFORE the twentieth century?

a. Canada
b. The United States
c. Italy
d. New Zealand

20. Which of the following is associated with the phrase “the greatest good of the greatest number”?

a. Hobbes
b. Bentham
c. Locke
d. Aquinas

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Chapter Four Short Answer (MS Word)

1. Explain the relationship between justice and democracy.

2. Explain the institutional and cultural impediments to political participation.

3. Explain Edmund Burke’s position on representative autonomy.

4. Explain the problem of the tyranny of the majority.

5. Explain the relationship between liberalism and democracy.

6. Explain how choice, competition, and accurate outputs contribute to greater democracy.

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