Chapter 11: Who Is Heard? Varieties of Representation

Multiple Choice   Short Answer



Chapter Eleven Multiple Choice (MS Word)

1. Which of the following are flexible partisans?

a. People likely to vote with determined voting intentions
b. People unlikely to vote with determined voting intentions
c. People likely to vote with undetermined voting intentions
d. Guerilla yoga instructors

2. Vote efficiency describes which of the following?

a. How many votes it takes to become the government
b. How many votes it takes to win each seat
c. How many votes it takes to cross the vote threshold
d. None of the above

3. To say that political parties have become institutionalized is to suggest which of the following?

a. Political parties suffer from debilitating mental illness
b. Political parties have assumed a central role in the democratic state
c. Political parties perform a range of functions irrelevant to the political process
d. All of the above

4. The shift towards candidate-focused media coverage of elections favours which of the following party roles?

a. Electoral vehicles
b. Agents of representation
c. Both
d. Neither

5. In which country is the party of integration more common?

a. North America
b. Europe
c. Australia
d. None of the above

6. Which of the following is NOT a core property of a party system?

a. Size
b. Age
c. Ideological polarization
d. None of the above

7. Which of the following describes a party whose primary engagement with supporters is during an election?

a. A party of individual representation
b. A party of integration
c. A disintegrative party
d. None of the above

8. Which of the following describes how well parties retain support over time?

a. Long-term electoral loyalty
b. Party sterility
c. Partisan stability
d. None of the above

9. Areas of potential partisan conflict and social cleavage are called which of the following?

a. Issue dimensions
b. Conflict protocols
c. Value shifts
d. None of the above

10. Campaigning on the assumption that you will win is characteristic of which of the following?

a. SMP system
b. PR system
c. Both
d. Neither

11. Concentrating resources in ridings with a better chance of winning is characteristic of which of the following?

a. SMP system
b. PR system
c. Both
d. Neither

12. Rounding up support for political leaders is an example of which of the following?

a. Mobilization function
b. Electoral administration function
c. Representation function
d. None of the above

13. What is another name for interest groups that organize around issues and are supported by broad coalitions?

a. Stakeholder groups
b. Activist groups
c. Dynamic groups
d. All of the above

14. In which part of the world are elections more likely to focus on policy ideas?

a. Europe
b. North America
c. Both
d. Neither

15. Which of the following strategies is most common to activist groups?

a. Persuading policy-makers to re-think their policy positions
b. Non-cooperation with, or disruption of, policy implementation
c. Influencing public opinion for or against policy
d. All of the above

16. Which of the following terms describes the regular, official participation of organized interests in the formation of policy?

a. Pluralism
b. Corporatism
c. Collectivism
d. None of the above

17. A two-stage formulation-implementation process of policy-making is characteristic of which of the following?

a. Legislative policy-making
b. Alternative policy-making
c. Administrative policy-making
d. None of the above

18. When corporatism becomes linked to fascism or a one-party state, it is called which of the following?

a. Fascist corporatism
b. Umbrella state
c. State corporatism
d. None of the above

19. In a corporatist model, the ideal interest groups to co-operate with government are called which of the following?

a. Peak associations
b. Umbrella corporations
c. City collectives
d. All of the above

20. Which of the following describes loosely structured, informally organized bodies that cut across class interests?

a. New social movements
b. Manifesto collectives
c. Archaic social movements
d. None of the above

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Chapter Eleven Short Answer (MS Word)

1. Compare and contrast the strategies available to parties for mediating social cleavages.

2. Explain the basis for criticism of the brokerage party model.

3. Compare and contrast the characteristics of polarized and unpolarized party systems.

4. Explain why flexible partisans are desirable targets for media and political activity during elections.

5. Compare and contrast the mobilization, electoral-administration, and representation functions of parties.

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