Chapter 3: From The Republic to the Liberal Republic—History and Ideas

Multiple Choice   Short Answer



Chapter Three Multiple Choice (MS Word)

1. To say that there is no inherent connection between reason and morality is to claim that reason is which of the following?

a. Instrumental
b. Differential
c. Unbecoming
d. Indifferent

2. Inherent limitations governing the moral and political realm were known to medieval philosophers as which of the following?

a. Norms
b. Truisms
c. Laws of nature
d. Natural law

3. Who synthesized Aristotelian philosophy and Christian theology?

a. Machiavelli
b. Rousseau
c. Hobbes
d. Aquinas

4. What is the name for the process that undermined the unity of religion in Western Europe?

a. Sundering
b. Reinvigoration
c. Reformation
d. Reclamation

5. What is the principle underlying the use of precedent in common law?

a. Stare decisis
b. Stare down
c. Starry down
d. Starry decision

6. What term describes the condition wherein an analytic factor is influenced by a result that it is supposed to be influencing?

a. Endogenetics
b. Dendronics
c. Indentineity
d. Endogeneity

7. What term did Plato use to describe the underlying enduring reality of things?

a. Norms
b. Forms
c. Dorms
d. Worms

8. Which of the following were characteristic of the medieval age?

a. Hereditary monarchy
b. Fragmentation of political authority
c. Importance of religion
d. All of the above

9. Which of the following captures the essence of Aristotelian thought?

a. Everyone has an inherent role and should act according to it
b. Politics is the art of the possible
c. Both
d. Neither

10. Which of the following would be an accurate description of medieval society?

a. Inorganic diversity
b. Organic equality
c. Organic hierarchy
d. Inorganic equality

11. Which of the following has NOT been a period of political history?

a. Classical Iniquity
b. Medieval Age
c. Modernity
d. None of the above

12. Which of the following contributed to the development of the nation-state in the late medieval period?

a. The concentration of power in the hands of monarchs
b. The decline of the lesser nobility
c. The doctrine of absolute monarchy
d. All of the above

13. For Rousseau, what leads to the downfall of the noble savage?

a. Loss of faith
b. The emergence of reason
c. The introduction of private property
d. None of the above

14. Empiricism, utilitarianism, and materialism are associated with which of the following?

a. The Reformation
b. Machiavelli
c. The Enlightenment
d. All of the above

15. Which of the following theorists accepted the need to limit sovereign authority?

a. Hobbes
b. Locke
c. Both
d. Neither

16. Which of the following describes the society produced via the liberal revolution?

a. Rational
b. Market-oriented
c. Pluralist
d. All of the above

17. Which theorist is associated with the idea of the general will?

a. Plato
b. Locke
c. Aquinas
d. Rousseau

18. The idea that government exists to protect the interests of the individuals it governs is essentially which of the following?

a. Liberal
b. Conservative
c. Medieval
d. None of the above

19. Who defended the existence of a natural aristocracy?

a. Aristotle
b. Machiavelli
c. Rousseau
d. Burke

20. Which form of government consists of a nation of citizens equal in political rank and status?

a. Democracy
b. Oligarchy
c. Republic
d. State of Nature

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Chapter Three Short Answer (MS Word)

1. Explain some of the common barriers to the successful adoption of democracy.

2. Using the concepts from Chapters 1 and 2, explain the role of the Church in the medieval age.

3. Explain the differences between Platonic and Aristotelian thought.

4. Explain the difference between markets and a market economy, and explain why the latter was incompatible with feudal society.

5. Contrast the ideas of freedom in Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau.

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