Chapter 12: The Official Response: Public Policy and Administration

Multiple Choice   Short Answer



Chapter Twelve Multiple Choice (MS Word)

1. Formulation, Adoption, and Administration are all elements of which of the following?

a. Implementation
b. Evaluation
c. Agenda setting
d. The policy cycle

2. Which of the following binds the government to abide by voting results?

a. Plebiscite
b. Referendum
c. Both
d. Neither

3. Which of the following is a common device of direct democracy?

a. Deregulation
b. Regulation
c. Referendum
d. All of the above

4. In which of the following countries is direct democracy least common at the local level?

a. The United States
b. Canada
c. Switzerland
d. None of the above

5. When a broad array of actors in the attentive public influences a single sub-government actor, this constitutes which of the following?

a. Pressure pluralist policy network
b. Clientele pluralist policy network
c. Corporatist policy network
d. State-directed policy network

6. Which of the following influences the policy process?

a. Political culture
b. Experience of political actors
c. Available resources
d. All of the above

7. Which of the following terms does NOT describe policy as a compromise outcome?

a. Incrementalist
b. Pluralist exchange
c. Rationalist
d. None of the above

8. Which of the following describes the practice of distributing government resources and positions to supporters?

a. Winner takes all
b. Political distribution
c. Patronage
d. None of the above

9. The idea that policy formulation combines long-term rationalism with short-term incrementalism has been called which of the following?

a. Mixed scanning
b. Compromise policy formulation
c. Network agent theory
d. None of the above

10. Which of the following terms defines the means by which a policy is implemented?

a. Efficiencies
b. Regulation
c. Instruments
d. None of the above

11. Which of the following terms applies to the range of employees of the state that staff its various departments and agencies?

a. The bureaucracy
b. The civil service
c. The public service
d. All of the above

12. Which of the following describes policy-making that focuses on problems and programs inherent to a department?

a. Vertical policy-making
b. Horizontal policy-making
c. Both
d. Neither

13. Which of the following factors is a common consideration for policy evaluation?

a. The criteria for evaluation
b. Who should be responsible for evaluation
c. What value evaluation has
d. All of the above

14. Which of the following is the stage after implementation, in which policy operates in an ongoing way?

a. Organization
b. Administration
c. Deconstruction
d. None of the above

15. Which of the following terms describes the broad range of government provisions?

a. Programs
b. Activities
c. Initiatives
d. None of the above

16. Which of the following is NOT a common category of policy instrument?

a. Expenditure
b. Indirect provision
c. Subsidy
d. None of the above

17. Which of the following theorists was an early analyst of the bureaucracy?

a. Locke
b. Burke
c. Weber
d. None of the above

18. Which of the following was NOT a goal of the New Public Management movement?

a. Efficiency
b. Fiscal accountability
c. Improved customer service
d. None of the above

19. Public policy consists of which of the following?

a. A chosen course of action
b. Deliberate inaction
c. Activity oriented towards a public problem
d. All of the above

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Chapter Twelve Short Answer (MS Word)

1. Compare and contrast the policy community and the policy network.

2. Compare and contrast technical and political efficiency.

3. Compare and contrast the relationship between policy formulation and legislative approval in parliamentary and presidential systems.

4. Explain the difference between non-partisanship and political neutrality.

5. Compare and contrast the public and formal agendas.

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