Chapter 9: Who Wants What? The Political Process

Multiple Choice   Short Answer



Chapter Nine Multiple Choice (MS Word)

1. The political process describes which of the following?

a. How control of the state is gained
b. Whose interests those in control of the state will serve
c. The feedback mechanisms which punish and reward those in control of the state
d. All of the above

2. Social stratifications giving differential access to resources and society’s goods are called which of the following?

a. Identities
b. Class
c. Categorizations
d. None of the above

3. Which issue does NOT dominate debates about class?

a. Deciding how to define and identify class
b. Deciding whether class exists
c. Deciding if class divisions are latent or manifest
d. None of the above

4. When potential political interests are not mobilized, the associated cleavages are said to be which of the following?

a. Latent
b. Manifest
c. Implicit
d. None of the above

5. Which of the following terms describes an exploited peripheral region?

a. Hinterland
b. Outsiders
c. The poor
d. Alberta

6. Which of the following interests are commonly associated with ethno-linguistic cleavages?

a. Cultural survival
b. Freedom from discrimination
c. Self-government
d. All of the above

7. Which of the following is a contemporary example of a theocracy?

a. Iran
b. Pakistan
c. Turkey
d. None of the above

8. The process of transformation in 1960s Quebec is known as which of the following?

a. The decorous upheaval
b. The tacit transformation
c. The mellifluous metamorphosis
d. The quiet revolution

9. A consociational approach implies which of the following?

a. Significant degrees of negativism in society
b. Ensuring leaders from different communities consent to decisions
c. Concentration of authority in one community
d. All of the above

10. Which of the following represents how cleavages relate to each other?

a. An internal relationship
b. An external relationship
c. Both
d. Neither

11. Which of the following describes a situation wherein two or more differences in identity are shared by the same segments of the population?

a. Reinforcing cleavages
b. Coherent cleavages
c. The cleavage coefficient
d. None of the above

12. Which of the following is the name for the classic liberal doctrine regarding the economy?

a. Laissez-faire
b. Lazy fairy
c. Less fair
d. None of the above

13. Which of the following statements is true?

a. Liberalism is the first modern ideology
b. Liberalism is a philosophy of individualism
c. Liberalism is the ideology of freedom
d. All of the above

14. A hierarchically structured community is a characteristic desire of which of the following?

a. Liberalism
b. Conservatism
c. Socialism
d. None of the above

15. Which of the following is associated with a disposition to preserve what exists from change?

a. Liberalism
b. Rationalism
c. Conservatism
d. All of the above

16. In Liberal thought, which of the following is NOT an expression of rationalism?

a. A conviction that rational government protects individuals from arbitrary authority
b. An economic system organized by rational self-interest
c. Moral theory derived from revealed authority
d. None of the above

17. What is the name for a state in which the ultimate and active authority is divine?

a. An aristocracy
b. A theocracy
c. A democracy
d. An oligarchy

18. Socialists view inequality as the product of which of the following?

a. Individual effort
b. Desirable and necessary social hierarchy
c. Chance and differences in opportunity
d. None of the above

19. Which of the following does NOT believe in a strong state?

a. Liberals
b. Conservatives
c. Socialists
d. None of the above

20. Societal sources of competition and conflict to be resolved through the political process are called which of the following?

a. Differences
b. Attitudes
c. Cleavages
d. None of the above

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Chapter Nine Short Answer (MS Word)

1. Explain the interaction among difference, identity, and interests in understanding social cleavages.

2. Discuss the factors contributing to the apparent latency of class cleavages.

3. Explain the changes that occurred in the transition from classical to reformed liberalism.

4. Explain the shift from organic to liberal conservatism.

5. Both Liberal and Conservative thinking accepts certain aspects of hierarchy in society. Compare and contrast their thinking on this issue.

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