Chapter 1: Co-operation, Coercion, and Consent—Opening Ideas

Multiple Choice   Short Answer



Chapter One Multiple Choice (MS Word)

1.    Most modern forms of democracy can be classified as which of the following?

            1. Indirect
            2. Direct
            3. Complete
            4. Implicit

2.    Which of the following is an accurate description of politics?

            1. The use of force to compel action
            2. The use of force to resolve conflict
            3. The resolution of conflict without force
            4. The use of conflict to encourage force

3.    Coordination can be understood as which of the following?

            1. Personal
            2. Political
            3. Both
            4. Neither

4.    Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of communities?

            1. Cohesion
            2. Heterogeneity
            3. Membership is total
            4. Membership is involuntary

5.    Categorical comparisons involve the examination of which of the following?

            1. Things that are fundamentally different
            2. Things that are fundamentally the same
            3. Things with both differences and similarities
            4. None of the above

6.    Which of the following is a basis for comparison between societies?

            1. Degree of immunity
            2. Practical relationships
            3. Relative degree of co-operation versus coordination
            4. All of the above

7.    States are distinguished from older forms of social organization by which of the following?

            1. Equality of members
            2. Strong support for the family
            3. Presence of personal co-operation
            4. Presence of authoritative coordination

8.    Which of the following concepts is made up of the combination of the other two?

            1. Consent
            2. Coercion
            3. Command
            4. None of the above

9.    Which of the following is an attribute of the state?

            1. Charisma
            2. Authority
            3. Leadership
            4. Family

10.    Regimes change when which of the following occurs?

            1. Change in leadership
            2. Change in government
            3. Coordination change
            4. Constitutional change

11.    Which of the following statements are true?

            1. All totalitarian states are authoritarian
            2. All authoritarian states are totalitarian
            3. Both
            4. Neither

12.    Which of the following possible meanings of “government” is traditionally understood as relatively durable?

            1. The element of parliament in power
            2. The bureaucratic, implementing arm of government
            3. Both
            4. Neither

13.    Which of the following is NOT a form of legitimacy discussed by Weber?

            1. Charismatic legitimacy
            2. Traditional legitimacy
            3. Legal-rational legitimacy
            4. None of the above

14.    Political action that is technically legal but unpopular can be described as which of the following?

            1. Constitutionally permissible but politically unacceptable
            2. Constitutionally not permitted but politically acceptable
            3. Constitutionally permissible and politically acceptable
            4. Constitutionally not permitted and politically unacceptable

15.    The person who embodies the state without wielding significant power is called which of the following?

            1. The head of government
            2. The head of the republic
            3. The head of state
            4. The head of community

16.    Which of the following are common limits to state authority?

            1. Institutional limits
            2. Federal limits
            3. Cultural limits
            4. All of the above

17.    The public norm that authority flows from the citizens is called which of the following?

            1. Popular revolution
            2. Popular sanction
            3. Popular citation
            4. Popular sovereignty

18.    Which of the following is an example of political corruption?

            1. Heresy
            2. Libel
            3. Nepotism
            4. Recidivism

19.    Which of the following is inspired by the idea of a natural aristocracy?

            1. Democracy
            2. Republicanism
            3. Slavery
            4. Liberalism

20.    Which of the following can be understood as a joint product between the state and civil society?

            1. The media
            2. The mob
            3. The market
            4. The middle class

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Chapter One Short Answer (MS Word)

1.    One focus of this book is analysis through the process of comparison. Good comparisons require objects of analysis that have both similarities and differences. Explain why, using examples drawn from the chapter.

2.    The “state” has several meanings in the context of political discussion. Select two, and compare and contrast their meaning and relevance to politics.

3.    Power and coercion have a long association with the state, but coercion is not a perfect tool. Discuss some of its strengths and weaknesses.

4.    Discuss the difference between intra-, inter-, and trans-national forms of activity. How do they relate to globalization and the changes facing modern states?

5.    One relationship important to modern politics is that between the state and civil society. Define this relationship, and explain its dynamics.

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