Chapter 2: The Many Ways of Studying Politics

Multiple Choice   Short Answer



Chapter Two Multiple Choice (MS Word)

1.   Which of the following is NOT a common unit of analysis in political science?

            1. Group
            2. Mass
            3. Individual
            4. None of the above

2.    The relative difficulty of making “if this, then that” type statements in political science suggests that human activity is which of the following?

            1. Underwhelmed
            2. Overdetermined
            3. Underdetermined
            4. None of the above

3.    For a hypothesis to be scientific, it must also be which of the following?

            1. Refutable
            2. Removable
            3. Reliable
            4. Remarkable

4.    Normative debate focuses on which of the following issues?

            1. How things are
            2. How things were
            3. How things should be
            4. None of the above

5.    Which of the following are most characteristic of explanations?

            1. What questions
            2. Who questions
            3. Why questions
            4. When questions

6.    Which of the following sub-disciplines focuses on the normative dimension of political science?

            1. Political pragmatics
            2. Political controversies
            3. Political organics
            4. Political philosophy

7.    In a causal relationship, which of the following is the factor causing change?

            1. The independent variable
            2. The dependant variable
            3. Both
            4. Neither

8.    Claims that philosophy was inadequate for investigating complex politics led to which of the following?

            1. The increasing importance of empirical approaches
            2. The restriction of natural science-based methods
            3. An increase in public funding for philosophy schools
            4. All of the above

9.    Which of the following distinguishes philosophical from religious determinations of “the good”?

            1. Its definition in ancient Greece
            2. A reliance on empirical data
            3. A reliance on reason
            4. None of the above

10.    Game theory is associated with which of the following?

            1. Public voice theory
            2. Private hope theory
            3. Private means theory
            4. Public choice theory

11.    Chiefdoms and states can be distinguished from bands and tribes by which of the following?

            1. Hierarchy
            2. Office holding
            3. Centralization of power
            4. All of the above

12.    Scholasticism is indicated by which of the following?

            1. Empiricism
            2. Generalization
            3. Literature focus
            4. None of the above

13.    Political science can draw on concepts from, for example, psychology or economics, because the social sciences are which of the following?

            1. Interdisciplinary
            2. Interactive
            3. Interesting
            4. Interred

14.    Which of the following is a common indicator of class?

            1. Land ownership
            2. Status
            3. Level of education
            4. All of the above

15.    Behaviouralism focused on which of the following?

            1. Institutions
            2. Social processes
            3. Individuals
            4. All of the above

16.    Which of the following is NOT a common critique of atomistic approaches?

            1. They ignore context
            2. They aren’t suitable for public choice analysis
            3. They assume equality in society
            4. All of the above

17.    Which of the following relies on theory?

            1. Empirical approaches
            2. Normative approaches
            3. Both
            4. Neither

18.    Which of the following statements is true?

            1. Chiefdoms are more stratified than states
            2. Chiefdoms are less stratified than states
            3. Neither states nor chiefdoms are stratified
            4. States and chiefdoms are equally stratified

19.    Which of the following was one of the origin sites for the state?

            1. Russia
            2. Australia
            3. China
            4. Norway

20.    Which of the following can be applied to the study of “artificial communities”?

            1. Economic methods
            2. Sociological methods
            3. Anthropological methods
            4. None of the above

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Chapter Two Short Answer (MS Word)

1.    Discuss the relationship of the political scientist to the practice and process of politics.

2.    Explain how the emergence of law illustrates the impersonal nature of the state.

3.    Discuss the stages of the research process and the relationships between them.

4.    Explain Manzer’s idea of the public good.

5.    Explain the different ways that authority is organized in pre-industrial societies.

6.    Explain why societies moved from egalitarian, kinship-based modes of organization to inegalitarian forms with centralized authority.

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